Here, I introduce the work which I produced as an example of magazine "‚r‚ƒ‚‚Œ‚…@‚`‚–‚‰‚‚”‚‰‚‚Ž".

I produce a ‚`‚e‚u now.
However, I made the model of the airplane a lot in old days.
Because I cannot make the model of the airplane well, I make the airplane as a supporting actor.
I make a ‚c‚‰‚ with a ‚†‚‰‚‡‚•‚’‚… as a chief character.

@@@œ@‚o‚hL‚n‚s ”‚Pi‚t‚r‚r‚qj


@@@œ@PILOT ”‚Qi‚k‚t‚e‚s@‚v‚`‚e‚e‚dj


@@@œ@‚a‚†‚P‚O‚X@‚dmergency landing ‚c‚‰‚@


@@ @ œ@‚f‚’‚•‚‚‚‚Ž@‚e‚U‚e@‚g‚…‚Œ‚Œ‚ƒ‚‚”@


@@ œ@Russian modern pilots
iMODELKASTEN @the original form of the productj

œ@‚makajima G10N Fugaku


@@ œ@US Navy modern aviators @
iMODELKASTEN @the original form of the productj

œ@Soviet@‚U‚Of‚“@Pilots @
iMODELKASTEN @the original form of the productj

@@ œ@Nakajima Ki-43 Oscar 1

œ@Kawanishi H8K2 Emily @






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